• Question: What is the hardest task you have had to do in your job?

    Asked by HostGaming to Stevie on 13 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Steven Wray

      Steven Wray answered on 13 Nov 2015:

      The hardest task I have had to do is probably my control room shifts when things get busy! The Joint European Torus (JET) experiment that I work on has a control room for operating the experiments. I work in there as a Power Supplies Operations Engineer (PSOE) 1 week in 4. I have to watch over all of our power supplies which is several warehouses full of equipment!

      When something breaks in a power supply and it stops experiments from running, all eyes turn to the PSOE! In the past I’ve been on two phones at once and a radio AND clicking buttons on our control system all at the same time! I have to think fast, but carefully, making sure everything is done in a safe, controlled manner.
