• Question: When did you know that you would be an engineer?

    Asked by Jshaw10 to Andrew, Dona, Liena, Sandra, Stevie on 14 Nov 2015. This question was also asked by lowriisthebestpersonever, yazie19, angel.
    • Photo: Andrew Allan

      Andrew Allan answered on 14 Nov 2015:

      I only found out about ‘engineering’ as a subject about 1 year before I went to university – but fundamentally, I always really enjoyed that subject – of designing, fixing and improving things.

      So one answer would be – when I was 17 and found out from my guidance teacher that it was a degree that I could do.

      Another answer would be – always, because it is just what I enjoyed naturally.

      Another answer might be that i still don’t really know, but I enjoy what I’m doing just now, and that’s engineering!

      I think it is a bit of all of those 🙂

      Would you like to be an engineer? Or perhaps you would still like to find out more about what’s involved?

    • Photo: Dona Galhena

      Dona Galhena answered on 16 Nov 2015:

      Since I met my previous research supervisor who inspired me as an engineer, I had a dream of being an engineer. However, it was only when I received the admission letter from Engineering Department of University of Cambridge, that I came to know my dream is going to come true!

    • Photo: Steven Wray

      Steven Wray answered on 16 Nov 2015:

      I knew I wanted to be an engineer when I found out what an engineer is! I thought it was called an inventor before that.

      It was in my GCSE electronics course that I found out what engineering was as well as finding out that I liked to design and build things.
